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About Our Team

Our team works hard to create the best online maths experience in Ireland.

Getting Help Has Never Been So Easy

Quantifold Makes Learning Fun Again.

We source the best educational materials, the best tutors and the best data-analytics platforms and we put them together to make your experience unique.
Our platform takes you from start to finish in an enthusiastic and efficient way. No more boring online tutors, lack of feedback, being left in the dark. Quantifold brings the power back to the learner.

Meet Our Talented Team

We Are Designing the Future of Maths Education

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Malachy Reynolds
CEO of Quantifold
Joined April, 2018

Our Approach to Teaching

We take inspiration from real people, real science and real results.

We strive to make our service as fun and exciting as possible. Studies show that more engaged learners are more successful learners, and our platform reflects that. Extra support, special requirements, teacher and parent feedback are all taken into account when we design our unique curriculum. The next big step is finding out what that means for you.